"The day is coming when the world will know nothing of the faith of the Egyptians. Our land will stand desolate. Tombs and the dead will be its only witnesses" -- Aesculapius
Regardless of the Judeo-Christian elect's zealous contempt for truth and endemic penchant for deceit and fabrication, these bearers of false witness have not succeeded in permanently burying the facts. The Light of Truth has a strange way of shining through the intellects and imaginations of great men whose sacrifice, dedication, and love of wisdom has continually saved humankind from sinking into a mire of ignorance. It is from the hearts of such beings that the true light of Christ shines.
"Our whole culture is unquestionably understood to be Judeo-Christian, but what would it mean if we are right and it should be, in fact, Egypto-Christian instead ?" -- Picket & Prince
"The list of those archetypes which we owe to Egypt is formidable: the nation state, the kingship, the Divine King, Order and Truth, the Creative Force, monumental stone buildings, the pyramid, the Hidden God, the power of the stars. All of these were first defined in Egypt, and once having been named and acknowledged they assumed their own independent existence, to be similarly acknowledged when, in time, they appeared in other, later cultures" -- Michael Rice
"J. H. Breasted, the celebrated Egyptologist, maintains that the law elucidated in Deuteronomy, the fifth book in the Old Testament, is basically a simplified version of Hammurabic Laws, while the proverbs of Solomon and many psalms are based on ancient Egyptian literature" -- Gruber and Kersten
"Those chapters, also, in the Book of Genesis which describe the Garden of Eden; its being watered without rain; the sacred tree; the cherub with drawn sword guarding the entrance; the serpent, at first upright and talking to Eve, then creeping on its belly, and the after war against it, and which attempts to explain the origin of sin and death, would seem to belong to the Egyptian mind rather than to the Jewish" -- Samuel Sharpe
"To take Egyptian history as being on par with Christianity may seem a massive leap of faith to some, but it is not. Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all simply different expressions of a single Egyptian heritage" -- Ralph Ellis
"As Karl Luckert points out, modern commentators, while acknowledging that this concept of Jesus’s continued spiritual presence is not Jewish, do not provide any ideas as to its true context and background. So where did this idea come from. Luckert’s erudite analysis shows conclusively that the twin concepts of Jesus’ unique Resurrection and his continued presence can be traced without a shadow of doubt to Egyptian theology" -- John M. Robinson
"From what was written thousands of years ago, it is shown that the modern-day portrait of pre-Pharaonic Egypt is distorted by overwhelming emphasis on the study of existing crumbling ruins and exotic carvings" -- Alvin Boyd Kuhn
"Many of our ancient traditions are rooted in the theology of ancient Egypt" -- Ralph Ellis
"In science the Greeks were pygmies. What would they have known of science if their Platos and Pythagorases had not traveled into the East! In science and real learning they were inferior to the Orientals (Indians) and were the greatest liars upon earth. They willfully mis-stated everything or they foolishly confounded everything." -- Godfrey Higgins
"…the Egyptians were the first to discover the solar year, and to portion out its course into twelve parts both the space of time and the seasons which they delimit. It was observation of the course of the stars which led them to adopt this division…It is also the Egyptians who first bought into use the names of the twelve gods, which the Greeks adopted from them" -- Herodotus
"…in Egypt all the operations of the powers which and work in heaven have been transferred to Earth below…it should be said that the whole cosmos dwells in Egypt" -- Asleptus
"From Architecture down to the Zodiac, every science worthy of the name was imported by the Greeks" -- Helena Blavatsky
"In ancient Egypt dwelt the great Adepts and Masters who have never been surpassed" -- The Kybalion
"Few persons have turned their attention to the extraordinary ignorance of the early Greeks as to the origin of their own religion or mythological system; an ignorance rising almost to a ridiculous excess" -- Godfrey Higgins
"Those Greeks that we regard as the fathers of mathematics were simply pupils of Egypt" -- Ignatius Donnelly
"It is highly probable that the Greek initiates gained their knowledge of the philosophic and therapeutic aspects of music from the Egyptians, who, in turn, considered Hermes the founder of the art" -- Manly Palmer Hall
"The Egyptians, either by exact science or spontaneously, had arrived at a method by means of which they could rite with distinct picture of material objects, instead of ordinary letters expressing sounds and phrases. These pictures were not ordinary images of the things they represented but were endowed with certain symbolic qualities (Sophia), by means of which they revealed to the initiated contemplator a profound insight into the very essence of substances of things, and an intuitive understanding of their transcendental origins, an insight which was not the result of reasoning or mental reflection, but was acquired spontaneously by means of divine inspiration and illumination. As artistic representations of this phenomenal world, they revealed, in fact, the ideal world of the soul" -- Plotinus
"An ignorant explanation of the Egyptian sign-language was begun by the Greeks, who could not read the hieroglyphics. It was repeated by the Romans and has been perpetuated by “classical scholars” ever since" -- Gerald Massey
"In their desire to appear highly intellectual, scientific and mathematical, the Greeks, probably about the time of Alexander the Great, adopted the solar nomenclature, thereby turning ancient zodiacal symbolism topsy-turvy and making it sheer nonsense" -- Cyril Fagan
"They brought a mist upon learning, making the discovery of truth almost impossible" -- Philo
"Whether the origin of the zodiac is Aryan or Egyptian, it is still of immense antiquity. Simplicius (sixth century AD) writes that he had always heard that the Egyptians had kept astronomical observations and records for at least 630,000 years...Diogenes Laertius carried back the astronomical calculations of the Egyptians to 48,863 years before Alexander the Great. Maritanus Capella corroborates the same by telling posterity that the Egyptians had secretly studied astronomy for over 40,000 years before they imparted their knowledge to the world" -- J. Lewis "The Egyptian Book of the Dead, which is traced back to 4,260 BC, years before the writing of the New Testament has its foundation in the lore of the heavens, and in poetical imagery follows the path of the Sun through the different signs of the zodiac. Many phrases, many headings of the chapters of the New Testament are similar, to those in the Book of the Dead"
-- Gerald Massey
"In the Hibbert Lectures, Professor Rhys observes, "The Greek myth, which distressed the thoughtful and pious minds, like that of Socrates, was a survival...from the time when the ancestors of the Greeks were savages." May it not rather have been derived by Homer, through the trading Phœnicians, from the older mythologies of India and Egypt, with altered names and scenes to suit the poet's day and clime?" -- James Bonwick
"The Egyptians are said to have been the first who brought the "rules of government" with the art of making "life easy" and "a people happy" - the true end of worldly politics - to a regular system. But much as they excelled other nations in scientific lore, in nothing was their superiority so conspicuous as in that magic art" -- Henry O'Brien
"The whole of the imagery of the Hebrew writings can be read and understood by the original Egyptian...The secret of the sanctity of the Hebrew writings is that they were originally Egyptian" -- Albert Churchward
"Among the Egyptian festivals was one called the Feast of Lamps, when upon a night in winter the houses and temples were lighted up with numerous lights. This was more particularly celebrated at Sais, in honour of the goddess Neith; but those who could not come up to that city to keep the festival burnt their own lamps at home…The Jews seem to have borrowed this festival...The Christians would seem to have taken the custom from the Egyptians as much as from the Jews, as the purpose of our Candlemas day, which is to commemorate the purification of the Virgin Mary, more resembles the worship of the goddess Neith than the purification of the Temple by Judas Maccabœus" -- Samuel Sharpe
"The Egyptians were not known as a particularly licentious people, but were remarkable for their spirituality. The consequences of the Church's attitude to sex and sexual love for our culture...been terrible repression on such a scale has been responsible, not only for personal torment and unnecessary soul-searching, but also for countless crimes against women and children" -- Picket and Prince
"The aim of the Nicene Creed was to require everybody to acknowledge, that Jesus Christ was a God, in such clear and forcible terms as to turn out of the Church all who would not follow the Egyptians in the mystical opinions which they had introduced, so that there should be no escape for those who believed in one only God, and who gave any whatever lower rank to the Saviour. It declares that there is one God, the Maker of all things, and yet that the one Lord Jesus Christ was not made; that he also was very God of very God, and was yet crucified by Pontius Pilate; that he had been previously incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary and made man, although of one substance with the Father. All this carried with it no contradiction to the mind of the Egyptians. They were used to being told and believing that two Gods could be one God. They were used to hear of a God being put to death, as they had always held that Osiris, though a god, had been put to death. They were used to hear of children being born of an earthly mother, and having no earthly father, as they held that many of their kings were so born, being incarnate by the god Amun-Ra" -- Samuel Sharpe
"More evidence comes from the Books of Thoth. It describes one of the pyramids as standing upon the sea-shore, ‘the waves of which dashed in powerless fury against its base.’. . . They add that from them [Ethiopians who built the pyramids], as from their authors and ancestors, the Egyptians get most of their laws. It is from them that the Egyptians have learned to honor kings and gods and bury them with such pomp; sculpture and writing were invented by the Ethiopians. The Ethiopians cite evidence that they are more ancient than the Egyptians . . . .The most complete list of [Egyptian] kings known appeared in the Royal Papyrus of Turin, which assigned in order of dynasty the names of over 130 kings. . . . . Manetho named over a hundred kings and divided them into thirty dynasties . . . . The two most complete versions of his list are those quoted by Julius Africansu and by Eusebius. . . .According to Julius Africanus, 561 kings reigned for approximately 5,524 years in total. Eusebius, on the other hand, states that 361 kings ruled in 4,780 years. . . . Cheik Anta Diop, egyptologist, linguist, physicist and historian, allows 10,000 years for the cycle of Egyptian civilization. His logic is pure and simple and hard to refute. The Egyptian calendar was based on the cylce of the star Sirius whose rise coincides with the sun every 1,461 years. Now any astronomer will verify the fact that it takes thousands of years to study the stellar movement of celestial bodies before one may acquire information accurate enough to develop a calendar. . . . Thus, if the Egyptians had the calendar in 4245 BCE and it took the passage of several thousands years to amass enough data to create it, then it is only rational that we adhere to the logic of Professor Diop. Diop goes on to say, ‘The official date, adopted until now for no special reason wavers between 3100 BCE and 3000 BCE. In actual fact, the choice of 3100 BCE results from no necessity but that of synchronizing Egyptian and Mesopotamian chronolgy." -- Wayne Chandler
"The Ethiopians (Nubians)say that the Egyptians are one of their colonies which was brought into Egypt by Osiris. They claim that at the beginning of the world Egypt was simply a sea but that the Nile, carrying down vast quantities of loam from Ethiopia in its flood waters, finally filled it in and made it part of the continent . . . I not only believe the people who gave me this account of Egypt, but my own conclusions strongly support what they said . . . Now it is my belief that Egypt was originally an arm of the sea. I have observed for myself that Egypt at the Nile Delta projects into the sea beyond the coast on either side; I have seen sea shells on the hills and noticed how salt exudes from the soil to such an extent that it effects even the pyramids; I have noticed too, that the only hill where there is sand is the hill above Memphis, and that the soil of Egypt does not resemble that of the neighboring country of Arabia, or Libya, or even Syria . . . but is black as one would expect of an alluvial soil . . ." --Diodorus of Sicily
"The Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians (Nubians), Osiris having been the leader of the colony. . . . Osiris . . . . gathered together a great army, with the intention of visiting all the inhabited lands and teaching the race race of men how to cultivate . . . . for he suppsed that if he made men give up their savagery and adopt a gentle manner of life he would receive immortal honors. . . . . They were the earliest, and say that the proofs of this are clear. That they did not arrive as immigrants but are the natives of the country and therefore rightly are called authochthonous is almost universally accepted. That those who live in the south are likely to be the first engendered by the earth is obvious to all . . . .They further write that it was among them that people were first taught to honor the gods and offer sacrifices and arrange processions and festivals and perform other things by which people honor the divine. For this reason their piety is famous among all men, and the sacrifes among the Aithiopians are believed to be particularly pleasing to the divinity." -- Diodorus of Sicily
"These Anu [Ethiopians=Nubians] were agricultural people, raising cattle on a large scale along the Nile, shutting themselves up in walled cities for defensive purposes. To this people we can attribute without fear of error, the most ancient Egyptian books, The Book of The Dead and the Text of the Pyramids, consequently all the myths of religious teachings. I would add almost all the philospohical systems then known and still called Egyptian. They evidently knew the crafts necessary for any civilization and were familiar with the tools those trades required. They knew how to use metals . . . They made the earliest attempts at writing, for the whole Egyptian tradition attributes this art to Thoth, the great Hermes, an Anu like Osiris, who is called Onian in chapter fifteen of The Book of the Dead and in the Texts of the Pyramids. Certainly the people already knew the principal arts; it left proof of this in the architecture of the tombs at Abydos, especially the tomb of Osiris, and in those sepulchres objects have been found bearing the unmistakeable stamp of their origin - such as carved ivory . . . . All those cities [Ant, Annu Menti, Aunti, Aunyt-Seni today called Esneh, Erment, Quoch, and Heliopolis] have the characteristic symbol which serves to denote the name Anu"
-- Emile Amelineau
"O Solon, Solon, You Greeks are always children . . . . You Greeks are novices in all knowledge in all knowledge of antiquity. You are ignorant of what passed here or among yourselves in the days of old. The history of eight-thousand years is deposited in our sacred books, but we can ascend to much higher antiquity and tell you what our fathers have done for nine-thousand years. I mean their institutions, their laws, and their brilliant accomplishments." -- Egyptian Priest at Sais to Solon
"Ethiopia(Nubia) was the first established country on the earth, and the Ethiopians were the first who introduced the Gods and established laws." -- Stephanus of Byzantium
One of the most important and familiar idioms of the Christian religion is the so-called Lord's Prayer. Not many people have asked where it came from. Most people trust what is written in the Gospels about its origin. However, this prayer, like so many other apparently Christian leitmotifs in both Testaments, was simply plagiarized from earlier sources, simply re-scripted from ancient sources known in Egypt and elsewhere. The Psalms of Solomon bear striking resemblance to the poetry of the great third century Egyptian architect Imhotep. The Ten Commandments are a slight variation on the 42 Negative Confessions found in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Words believed to be spoken by Christ in the Gospels can still be found in the various temples of Egypt, such as that at Dendera. And evidence has been discovered which shows that certain key Biblical tropes had been plagiarized from sources such as the Inscription of Wennofer, Instructions of Amenemopet, Legend of Sinue, Maxims of Ani, and the recently discovered Tempest Stele, etc. It was from this latter source that the Biblicists took their Exodus story, as well as that of the ten plagues of Egypt. It is from the Maxims of Ani that the so-called "Lord's Prayer" of Christianity was taken.
The Lord's Prayer | Maxims of Ani | |
Our Father, which art in heaven | The God of this Earth is the ruler of the horizon | |
Hallowed be Thy Name | Th god is for making great his name. Devote yourself to the adoration of his name | |
Thy kingdom come | Give your god existence | |
Thy will be done | He will do thy business | |
In earth, as it is in heaven | His likeness is upon the Earth | |
Give us this day our daily bread | God is given incense and food offerings daily | |
And forgive us our debts | The god will judge the true and honest and forgive our debtors | |
And lead us not into temptation | Guard against the thing that god abominates | |
But deliver us from evil | Preserve me from decay | |
For thine is the kingdom | God is the king of the horizon | |
The power, and the glory | He magnifies he whoever magnifies him | |
For ever and ever | Let tomorrow be as today | |
Amen | Amen |
From the Maxims of Ani (or Anty the Scribe), the papyrus found by Mariette Bey and now kept in the museum of Boulacq, we read passages that incontestably influenced the composers of the Old Testament.
Do not enter into the house of another, but know that if he invites you, it is an honor for you. When you enter a divine sanctuary avoid noise, and respect the house of God.
Pray humbly with a sincere heart so that all your words are said in secret. Then God will listen to your message and will accept your offerings.
Always remember that it is your God that gives and decides on your existence, and think of him continually, tomorrow as today.
The God of this world lives in light, above the firmament, but his emblems are on earth. Do not dispute his mysteries and you will see the divine one give the sun to make all vegetation grow, to make food for man to feed himself.
Do not be rough with your woman when you know that she looks after your house. Recognize her merits and put your hand in hers. Doing otherwise will sow misfortune, and show a bad example for your children. They will lose a source of peace and happiness.

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