von Jean-Baptiste Pente
"This new trend of reclaiming Afrikan names went against the programming of the colonizer's assault on Afrikan culture, notes Dr. Madubuike. In colonial Afrika everything Afrikan was considered "primitive, barbarous, unholy," whereas everything European was considered "pure and proper -- civilized," he wrote. "To answer to a white man's name was seen as one of the ways of becoming civilized, that is white. Thus, today, one frequently meets an African who will not be content until you have told him what your white, Christian name is.""
"African Names* have phenomenal meanings and unique histories. In Africa the birth of a child is an event of great exultation and importance. So great significance is attached to the naming of the child. The hopes of the ancestors, the status of the family, current occurences and celestial events are use in naming the child. It is believed that the name chosen will exert an influence for better or for worse on the life of the child. Also you as an adult can choose a name that truly signifies you as a person. For example if you are a female born on Tuesday you can choose a name such as "Abena" which means, born on Tuesday."
"THE AFRICAN NAMES - Without our true names, Ancestry names, we had no connection to our true identity." -- K. D. Pente
Eine Beispielliste
AMENHOTEP = Mit dem Segen des Amon oder Amon ist zufrieden mit ihm [ Altägypten/Sudan ]
ABLA = Rosa [ Swahili ]
ABEO = Ich bringe Freude [ W-Afrika ]
AKHONA = Sie (Die Vorfahren) sind Anwesend [ Zulu ]
ANISA = Freundschaftlich [ Swahili ]
ANELA = Zufrieden sein [ Zulu ]
ANKH = Leben (ewiges) [ Kemet/Altägypten ]
BANTU = Mensch [ Kongo ]

BANTU KALA = Schwarzer Mensch -> Gottes Geschöpf [ Kongo ]
BA = Die Seele [ Kemet/Altägypten ]
BONOLO = Einfach -> Angenehm, Bescheiden [ Sotho ]
BONGA = Lob, Preisen [ Xhosa ]
BOSIGO = Die Nacht -> Das Verborgene [ Sotho ]
BHEKI = Wachmann [ Zulu ]
BIKA = Ankündigung, Nachricht [ Sotho ]
KA = Die vitale Kraft [ Kemet/Altägypten ]
KALA = Schwarz [ Kongo ]
KAM = Schwarz [ Kemet /Altägypten ]
KEMI = Schwarz -> Götterbeiname Bsp. [Kemet/Altägypten, Sudan ]
KEMET = Die Schwarze -> Land der Schwarzen [ Originalname des Altägyptens ]
KemOur = Großer Schwarze, Beiname von Ausár (Osiris) [Kemet/Altägypten, Sudan ]
MERIKARE = Hoch lebe die vitale Kraft des Re [ Altägypten/Sudan ]
MAAT = Ordnung, Gerechtigkeit, Empathie etc... (universell) [ Kemet/Altägypten ]
NABILA = Die Familie ist gestärkt worden [ Swaheli ]
NAKUBUYA = Das beliebte Kind [ Xhosa ]
NADELI = Ein Stern, Eine Ewigkeit [ Zulu ]
NATHI = Mit Uns, Unter Uns [ Swaheli ]
NANA = Der Segen [ Westafrika ]
NALA = Beliebte Tochter [ Westafrika ]
NOUN = Urwasser, aus dem alles entstand [ Kemet/Altägypten ]
SEMA = Vereinigung, Einigung, Zusammenfügung [ Kemet/Altägypten ]
ELIKIA = Hoffnung [Kongo]
*Modifiziertes Zitat durch Zusammenrückung
23 .01. 2007

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