White America, Eurocentrism and the Stigma of Black People and Africa
Face-to-Face pursues the answers to these and many other important questions as it examines the white and black trends in American history and contemporary culture. It traces the devasting economic, political and social effects of segregation, all too evident in our city ghettos. It lays bare the myths behind the black steorotypes, such as the Black Beast, the Contented Slave and Mulatto. Most of these steorotypes have sexual implications.
Even white writers and intellectuals as acclamed as William Faulkner, John Crowe Ransom, Norman Mailer and william Styron repeat and perpetuate them. Through her personal association with Malcolm X and other black rebels of the siyties, and her work for the old Freedom Now Party and The Liberator magazine, the autor is able to give unusual insight into the blacks´uphill struggle to archieve their own cultural autonomy and overcome the bias of white supremacy.“ -- Rose L. H. Finkenstaedt in: FACE TO FACE - Blacks in America: Wihte Perception and Black Realities

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