The Liberation of the African Mind – The Key to Black Salvation
The Liberation of the African Mind – The Key to Black Salvation is a strong book written to the millions of Blacks who have had their true history almost oblitered from their memories. This estrangement is the source of the lack of unity, absence of a cohesive and functional family unit, and moral decay in the Black community.
This book documents the fact that Christianity is in reality stolen African cosmology and mythology that was corrupted by Roman and Greek priest, philosophers and emperors. Accepting these deceptions as Truth leads to mental bondage. These are the invisible chains that keep Blacks in last place in the human race. The Truth will liberate you from these strong delusions.

The book exposes the deceptions, fraudulent claims, sordid history and carnal doctrines of Christendom. It documents Christianity´s plagiarism and corrumption of sacred African teachings. It validates the rich wisdom of ancient Africa. It highlights the stark contrast between the benevolent culture of the Africans and the violent culture of the European conquerors. It points to that ancient wisdom as a key factor in the restoration of a nation. This work is one of the most competent and comprehensive challenges to Othodox-Christianity to date.
Editor´s Note

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